What Animals Are There In Africa. There are so many wonderful to see, but where to start? Keep reading and find out just how fascinating Africa's wildlife really is!

Source(s): I used to be a zookeeper and have studied animals all my giraffe ( cant remember what type ). theres loads but the best way to do it is read a book on africa if its that important.
The next most dangerous animal is not so much *in* Africa, so much as swimming alongside it!
Luckily enough, there are plenty of wildlife corporations that help preserve and educate The greater kudu is one of the most awesome jumpers and swift animals in Africa. Africa is home to some of the most well known, loved and feared animals in the world! Practically though, Africa has a large portion of its mass centered around the Equator, and this allows for favorable conditions for widespread What is astounding is that there are no wild animals, except some monkeys can be seen occasionally far away from the village.
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